Upwind Quickstart Primer
Download and start playing now! All the rules you need and a full scenario introducing the game.
Open Gaming License Q-System Reference Document
Sample Characters (perfect for the Bait and Switch Primer Scenario)
Boat Crew Blank Ensign (download, print, and have your Knights record their own legends)
Talking Tabletop Podcast - Interview
Role Playing Public Radio Podcast - "Before" Interview, "After" Interview, Out of Curiosity AP, Three Beasts AP
RPPR Demo Actual Play - Bait and Switch
Redacted Files Podcast - Demo/Interview
Role Playing Exchange - Interview
3rd Wheel Podcast GenCon Demo Actual Play - Holding Down the Fort
3rd Wheel Podcast - Interview
3rd Wheel Livestream Actual Play - Cache Dash (in which Jeff got to play!)
Legends of Tabletop - Interview