Final PDFs

Depending on how you use the platform, you may have noticed that we recently updated the Blue Planet: Recontact PDFs on DriveThruRPG. The updates are small but essential and represent the final digital versions of the books. The updates include the actual page two of the character sheet and the addition of the global homolosine and full Pacifica Archipelago maps that will be the end papers in the offset books. We also made a couple of section header corrections that we had missed in the original files.

Goode Homolosine Projection of Poseidon

If you've already downloaded your copies, you can re-download the updated versions now at DriveThru. If you have yet to download your PDFs, what're you waiting for? 

Physical Books

The Lunar New Year's holiday is over, and our printer is back at it. We are anticipating the arrival of digital proofs imminently, followed shortly thereafter by unbound physical proof pages. The printer is also mocking up a proof of the slip case, but that will take a bit longer as they have to determine the final dimensions of the actual books before they can finalize the case. 

Thank you for your continued patience and support.