Welcome to the August update - and a day early! I have been traveling off-grid for the past few weeks and had to make a quick stop in civilization to post this, so it will perforce be short and sweet.
The final PDFs of the core Recontact books are almost complete. We are finalizing the covers (see below), and Robert is hyperlinking the extensive indexes as I type. As soon as these last bits are done, we will share out the final files.
Though we have previewed the cover art at various times during the project, we have not spent much time on the topic. Here is an update, which should be pretty close to final. I think they are pretty striking and we hope you dig them, too.
Desolation Sound
At the risk of encouraging more people to come to a place I love in part because of its lack of people, if you are an ocean person and can find your way to coastal British Columbia, do yourself an adventurous solid and take a trip to this amazing part of the marine world. Captain Vancouver may have been discouraged by the rain when he gave the region its English name, but he obviously did not visit in the summer. It is glorious!
Sorry for the brevity, but I have a tide to catch. Thank you for the ongoing patience and support - and watch your inboxes for the final books!