Despite not having much to share in terms of new layout previews quite yet, October has been a busy and productive month.
Editing Efficiency
We have made some changes to the editing process in hopes of streamlining workflow, thereby expediting production. The changes already seem to be increasing output as we now have five sections in the layout queue rather than our typical single file input. Given Robert's speed, I therefore anticipate sharing a whole batch of layout previews in the next few days.
Bonus Art
Poseidon's number one citizen, Pawel D, has done it again, donating a series of character commissions portraying the crew of Red Sky Charters. RSC is the playtest campaign from the original first edition Blue Planet and one of the campaign archetypes provided in Recontact. Pawel's vision of the world of Poseidon is spot-on, and I regret not having been able to afford to hire him as art director for the project. Even so, Pawel has strongly influenced the look of the game with his art donations. The project is much better for it, and we are deeply grateful.
Storm Surge Update
Unfortunately, school conferences, soccer games, a case of COVID and a new granddaughter all conspired among my players to prevent any progress in the playtest campaign this month. However, these things have not prevented me from working on upcoming encounters, and the longer those get to percolate, the more dangerous they become. I guess my crew can only blame themselves if things go aquatically pear-shaped...
Can of Worms
The ongoing editing process and playtest campaign downtime have given me the chance to finally put some words to paper (screen?) on the Wormhole stretch goal. I don't want to spoil anything, but I will share that including the supplement in your Blue Planet games will fundamentally change the nature of the setting and likely alter the tone and focus of subsequent campaigns. Accordingly, I recommend moderators and their players consider carefully before making Wormhole canon at their tables.
Don't Panic and Thank You!
I anticipate a number of layout previews arriving in the next week. I will post them to backers as they come in rather than wait until next month. That way the dedicated among you can continue hunting errors, helping us make Recontact perfect. Thank you to the many intrepid readers who have been making error reports. You are awesome and we are deeply grateful for your submissions.