28 day campaign ✔︎

4 hours to fund ✔︎

417% funding goal ✔︎

2 core books ✔︎

25 stretch goals ✔︎

700 sci-fi-filled pages ✔︎

1657 backers ✔︎

125,341cs ✔︎

Countless thank yous! ✔︎✔︎✔︎

This campaign has been unbelievably successful because of the enthusiasm and generosity of the Blue Planet community - by both the old crew and new friends. We are excited at the promise the exceptional funding holds for the world of Poseidon and can’t wait to get started on the whale-sized project you have just handed us. The real work is about to begin, and if you want all the details, check out the latest update on our Kickstarter page.

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