Whoo-hoo! You all have done it again - made the Upwind project even bigger, better and badder (in the good way) for everyone! The Ships of the Realms vessel identification poster stretch goal has been unlocked! Ships of the Realms a 34” x 22” full-color poster that will add a ton of visual and background information to the setting by showing the relative sizes, designs, color schemes, armaments, features and national flags of the various skyships of Upwind. There will even be several specific "vessels of note" including several known classes of Children of the Dark skyships. The information and visual world-building that will be in just this one product will be invaluable to players and moderators alike.

Reaching this level clears the way to the next goal (and my personal favorite) Upwind: Incursion, the print-and-play “miniatures-style” tactical wargame of skyship-to-skyship combat in the dim reaches of the Twilight Frontier. The game is a fast-playing, tactical challenge that depends on stealthy movement and decisive actions.

So excited for this one, so fingers crossed...